Rabbit hole in Mandie's pen |
When the weather gets warm around here, exciting things start to happen and new things are discovered. Just a few days ago, my mother and father were working on our dog's pen- since we'll be going away on vacation soon they had to fix it since it had collapsed under pressure- the tarp couldn't hold the heavy snow from the Winter, so it bended the pen as it collapsed. So we bought a side panel for $80 at TSC in town; while working in there we came across a rabbit hole with five little precious baby bunnies!!
My mother will sometimes constantly nag me during the Summer about me be lazy/ not doing anything, and normally asks me "So, whatch'a gonna do today?" So sometimes I get frantic since I don't have things planned out that I just come up with random ideas.
Yogurt drops! I used Britney's cake decorating kit and made little droplets of yogurt, put them in the freezer for 15 minutes to a half hour and ta da! A healthy and delicious snack for those hot Summer days .
And of course, who wouldn't want to try making Rock Candy?!? 4 cups of water & 8 cups of sugar. It's supposed to be 10 cups of sugar, but I sort of ran out. Wet your string/ sticks in water and roll them in sugar, let it dry REAL good before you put them in the cups. When the sugar and water comes to a boiling point, turn off the burner and let it cool down. Do not pour the hot liquid in the cups until it is completely cool or it will melt the sugar off your sticks as well. As I've learned from my previous experience. Let them sit in a window that gets plenty of sun for a whole week. Enjoy!
I made some cute cupcakes for our mother's day party last Saturday. The whole family came over to our house for a evening of fun and games. I'm really having a lot of fun with cupcakes.
Me relaxing on Mother's day, fishing at a peaceful lake. It can't get much better than that.
A beautiful yellow butterfly was regularly visiting my tackle box.
Just some random shots of the lake
We have some lovely flowers growing right outside my bedroom window. Couldn't resist getting a few shots of them.
I hope you all are having a wonderful Springtime!!
P.S. I finished school last week, so that's where I've gotten all this free time to do all these things ;)