Sunday, February 26, 2012

Simply thoughts (1)

I have a feeling this is going to be a really really good Summer. It's confidential why i think so..but it has to do with my Nana and I'm so happy that she's okay and we'll be together with her again.

My dad has been planning a 10 day vacation in Florida (my idea :P) for about a year now and we'll be going this Summer. I'm super excited. I haven't been to Florida since I was five!

Last Summer I did absolutely nothing. This year I'm not allowing that to happen. I was basically letting the seconds tick by without making something of that time.
I want to do something....different. Something no one would think of a 14 year old to do.

One of my dreams is to be remembered as a hero. I want to change the world for the better.
People are ruining the world and i don't even have a say in the matter.
I don't want to join the army or the navy or anything like that. That's typical. I mean very heroic but..that's

Eventually I want to be a medical nurse or doctor, i could discover something there...i don't know really.
I just know I want to change the world for the better somehow...while I'm young. I don't want to be famous. Noo Sir. Just the honor of helping the world.

Have you ever looked up at the stars and just been amazed and speechless?
Outer space is so beautiful and beyond imaginable. I would love to go out there and look back on the earth and say "That's my home." But there's so much dependence on man made equipment to be out there and such a trouble with oxygen. I don't really trust to be out there, but I would love to.

 I know this blog post has been all over the place. But I just needed to write it down. (=
I hope you all have had a lovely Sunday.


Elizabeth said...

You should come visit me on your way to Florida. :P You can come across and then go start down to Florida. See?
Or you could come visit me on the way back, then you could go start up and then across.

Unknown said...

I talked to my parents about it. They said it was like taking a complete side trip. Iz tried:( I think the hobbit might still be our best chance.